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Today - even as we remember - more soldiers and civilians head to war, innocent people die, and it feels like everything seems intent on creating division and despair - even in our peaceful land of Aotearoa.

Today, we can choose, instead, to create UNITY , PEACE & BEAUTY.

We can value simplicity.

We can place dignity and life in higher esteem than money and "things".

We can live everyday in gratitude and gladness. 

We can choose happiness and focus on good.

We can choose fairness.

We can choose to not be afraid.

We can vote with our dollar when we buy food, goods and go on holidays.

Where our collective conscience goes, so our physical world will follow, so we can be careful of what we feed on - not just food.

We always have CHOICE - corruption would have us believe that we don't. 

Listen to the feeling.

 Fear, power, and greed have no hold where LOVE is the answer to EVERYTHING.

"They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; natio​n shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."  Isaiah wrote this almost 3000yrs ago -isn't it about time?

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