Biodynamic farming methods seek to work with the environment and nature. Renewable organic materials are generated and used on-site, creating highly fertile and productive pastures for our animals. Biodiversity is encouraged, and the wellbeing of soil, plants, animals and humans are nurtured - all without the use of any chemical sprays, fertilisers, or genetic engineering.
Our belief that a quality product starts with quality soil can be experienced in the quality of Waima Hill beef.

Biodynamic farming methods seek to work with the environment and nature. Renewable organic materials are generated and used on-site, creating highly fertile and productive pastures for our animals. Biodiversity is encouraged, and the wellbeing of soil, plants, animals and humans are nurtured - all without the use of any chemical sprays, fertilisers, or genetic engineering.
Our belief that a quality product starts with quality soil can be experienced in the quality of Waima Hill beef.

We have biodynamically transformed our land, from its previously neglected state, to productive pasture.Great effort has been taken to create wildlife habitats, protect wetlands, and plant trees on the farm.
Fencing off streams has helped water leave our property as clean as it entered. Fencing off bush has ensured there is good scope for natural regeneration. The fencing is also designed to create a network of wildlife corridors that safely connect areas of bush for native wildlife, such as kiwi.
Pasture and animals are raised in conditions that reflect the rhythms and cycles of nature, thus capturing the vitality of nature’s living energies. The animals are our highest priority. They are farmed to the highest standards of organic agriculture, and, enjoy a good life on herbal pastures with plenty of shade, shelter and the crystal clear water from the Waima ranges.
At Waima Hill we embrace sustainable practices such as permaculture and biodynamics to care for our land, animals, and grow our own organic vegetable gardens and fruit trees. The food we eat, not only feeds our bodies, but also our inner selves.
We have also used sustainable and renewable sources of energy: our small hydro-powered turbine for electricity, solar panels on our roof for hot water, and a wood-burning stove for cooking and heating.
Our home is designed to capture the sun throughout the day - a clean and natural heat supply, and, the water we use is spring-fed from the beautiful Waima ranges, and then leaves us unspoiled as it journeys on.