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Web Store


Welcome to the WholeyHealth! Online Store  

The products that are proudly presented here have been selected because they are good quality, whole food that is mostly organic (certified where possible and spray-free as a minimum), fairly traded, and where possible - locally sourced. There is a constant flow of new products, so be sure to check in often. Please be aware that GST is added at the checkout.

Click on the products to learn more about them, where they are from, their organic and fair trade status, and why they are beneficial to your health (note: this feature is under development and is incomplete).

Be aware: Your dollar counts and has incredible power to change the world for the better!

So, please, shop with confidence  to find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and instructions on how to ask questions or give helpful feedback - please go to FAQ's under the Web Store heading


The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health professional with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any change in diet if you have a condition that you are receiving treatment for.

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